T h e   S w a n
Introduction Instructions Pricking Details Print Pricking Close-ups
The Swan

‘The Swan’ was designed and worked by Tamara P. Duvall, predominantly in Milanese Lace. It was originally for Jane Swanson, a lacemaking friend whom Tamara met through the internet mailing list Arachne, and originally appeared in International Old Lacers Bulletin (Spring 1999/2000 issue — Vol. 20, No.5).

A pair of mirror-image swans, one white and one black — reminiscent of Swan Lake, would make a nice gift for your favourite ballerina. Although the instructions here are given for a white swan based on the letter S, there is also a mirror image pricking if you wish to make a black swan facing in the opposite direction.

The Swan is copyright © Tamara P. Duvall, May 2000. You may use the design for commercial or non-commercial purposes provided that you do not republish it in your own name and that you credit the designer.

If you have any questions, or if you have found this project of interest, Tamara would welcome your feedback. She may be e-mailed at: .